BOEING N. 737-800 IN F# MINOR ... [a publication by Gonçalo Lamas]

BOEING N. 737-800 IN F# MINOR ... [a publication by Gonçalo Lamas]


This very beautiful glossy publication is a sort of ‘in-flight magazine’, written in both Portugese and English. It’s kind of like a play. It takes place in flight in the test tube interior of the world’s most popular commercial airplane. Crossing borders with and without passports, being anxious with and without much to really fear, the passengers on the plane pass the time it takes to be transported.

BOEING was first presented to the public as part of an installation with live performance, at Culturgest Porto (Portugal), between September 17 and 20, 2020.

£6.50 [price includes UK postage. For international postage, please contact us via email to arrange]

All proceeds from sales of this publication will be donated to Solidariedade Imigrante, a Portuguese association fighting for the rights of immigrant communities in the country.

[image description: image 1 is dreamy, cloudy like an ad or like a birthday card. A stack of these books is arranged in a vertical spiral. Looks like some kind of strange glitchy shell. One book stands upright at the top of the pile and on its cover is what looks like a overexposed map of the world printed on a napkin. All over the page is tagged, as a watermark, like copyright: OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK. Image 2 shows the cover up close, so you can see how it catches the light and is a hologram - in this light it gets a rainbow glare and looks wet, like it's been left out in the rain wrapped in plastic and now the sun is coming for it hard from a window. Image 3 shows a page from within the book. A passenger named 16F needs the loo, but the door says ENGAGED, so there is waiting.]

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